View Full Version : Vargas calls for new SCJ judges

02-19-2010, 02:30 PM
PRD president Miguel Vargas Maldonado is demanding the designation of new judges for the Supreme Court of Justice (SCJ) as a result of a national accord where a temporary majority does not impose its will. He specified that the magistrates should be chosen according to the constitutional mandates, whose requirements establish that 75% of high court judges should be career judges.
"This designation should be made in a transparent and public fashion... with knowledge by the citizens of the backgrounds of the candidates for the positions on the court... so that the civil and academic sectors of society may participate effectively in proposing the candidates", he stated.
Vargas Maldonado told reporters that the law that regulates the Judicial Council should be sanctioned, with the aim of respecting the judges' right to elect their representatives. "We should not permit, under any circumstance or internal rules, the Supreme Court to have control over other judges", he said during an address to the II Conference of the Dominican Republic Youth Parliament that is being held in the Aula Magna at the UASD State University.

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