View Full Version : No fires after 11 floors, please

02-25-2010, 02:20 PM
The Firemen Department has been tested by a fire on the 38th floor of the 39-story Torre Caney, Santo Domingo's tallest building. The Fire Department equipment reaches a maximum of 11 floors.
Colonel Jose Luis Frometa Herasme, commander of firefighting operations in the National District told Diario Libre that the department depends on the mechanisms each of the high-rises have for dealing with fires over the 11th floor level. He said that most tall buildings do not have emergency mechanisms and that the firefighters could only do their job "as long as the buildings have fulfilled the security measures." If not, he said they have to improvise, use ropes, or borrow a helicopter. Frometa says that they have had to fight fires in the 12th, 14th and 34th floor levels of buildings, but so far they have not had any problems evacuating people or extinguishing flames.

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