View Full Version : [DR1] Many emergencies are due to violence

07-14-2006, 03:10 PM
The Dario Contreras Hospital uses up 26.59% of its RD$75.2 million annual budget in treating patients wounded by firearms or knives. Clave reports that the constant increase in the number of people arriving at Santo Domingo hospitals with such wounds - 5,587 during the first semester of 2006 - has made these centers modify their operational procedures in order to provide an adequate response to this growing problem. Dario Contreras has had to strengthen its general surgery area, according to Hospital Director Hector Quezada. The center treats an average of 11 people daily with bullet or stab wounds - "a very high number because before we only used to see one or two" stated Quezada. This is also the case at the Francisco Moscoso Puello Hospital with an average of 10 daily and Luis Eduardo Aybar Hospital with six daily. At Dario Contreras, during the first semester of 2006, 18.76% of emergency cases were due to violence, 36.23% - falls, 28.55% - traffic accidents and 16.46% - other causes.

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