View Full Version : [DR1] Indicted politicians to be sworn in

07-14-2006, 03:10 PM
The smile on deputy Radhames Ramos Garcia's face when he received his certificate of election from the Central Electoral Board, reflected the sense of triumph of a politician who was able to get re-elected in spite of having been found guilty by the Supreme Court of Justice and sentenced to serve time in prison for the illegal trafficking of Chinese nationals across the Haitian border, according to a report by Clave weekly newspaper. The Participacion Ciudadana (PC) civic movement considers it shameful that people with legal problems can be elected to official positions in this country. PC General Coordinator Paulo Herrera Maluf stated that it was shameful that Ramos Garcia and other candidates with convictions or pending court cases, such as former Migration Director Miguel Vasquez Escoto, obtained the public's support in the recent mid-term elections. "The message being sent out is that nothing matters, that a person can mock the law with impunity and in spite of that become a representative of the people in Congress" warned Herrera Maluf, who added that "this is shameful, not only for the Dominican judicial system, but also for the Central Electoral Board, the political party that represents him and even for the candidate himself." Miguel Vasquez was investigated for theft. The US government revoked his visa and he is banned from traveling to the US. Vasquez is a former administrator of the Lottery, director of Migration and special assistant to President Mejia in his final five months of government.

As reported in Clave Digital, others with cases pending in the courts are Adriano Sanchez Roa (PRSC Senator) for a corruption case dating back to when he served as administrator of Bagricola during Balaguer's last government, and Heinz Siegfried Vielut Cabrera (Senator PLD-Monte Cristi) for cases of financial fraud.

PC's Paulo Herrera Maluf was highly critical of the Central Electoral Board for permitting these people to run for office in the first place.

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