View Full Version : [DR1] US$42 million in commissions?

07-14-2006, 03:10 PM
Clave newspaper reports that the US$132 million loan for purchasing equipment for the Police includes the payment of US$42 million in commissions for the company and financial agents involved. The breakdown of the fees covered by the newspaper is as follows: US$1 million in advisory fees for Florida Export Finance Corporation; US$1,250,782 in fees for coordination with the lender Sun Land; US$11,569,735 in administrative fees for the exporter, Sun Land; US$11,276,994 in fees for US Eximbank that covers the country risk insurance; US$16,841,253 in fees for the country risk fees taken on by Sun Land. When asked about the above, Interior and Police Minister Franklin Almeyda said he had no comment. Another signatory to the agreement, Finance Minister Vicente Bengoa said that the contract was drafted before the passing of the Ley de la Direccion de Credito Publico, that establishes a framework for analyzing and supervising this type of operation. The department is now operational, but the bill was not sent to the department for revision. The Senate recently voted to pass this questionable loan.

Clave Digital reported that the contract specifies prices but not models nor brands of the vehicles to be imported, among other irregularities. The prices of categories of vehicles have also been said to be significantly abovemarket.

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