View Full Version : [DR1] Government impartial towards churches

07-14-2006, 03:10 PM
According to government spokesman Roberto Rodriguez Marchena, the Concordat between the Dominican state and the Vatican is not taken into account when the national budget is prepared, which should serve as evidence that the authorities do not grant privileges when distributing resources. Diario Libre reports that he emphasized that the government has the duty of taking into account all the networks of social protection, solidarity and compassion developed by all churches in the country.

El Caribe reports that according to Rodriguez, the government maintains excellent relations with the Vatican State, and the Catholic and Protestant Churches, and does not have any position regarding the unconstitutionality recourse against the Concordat. If the Evangelical Church has chosen the Supreme Court of Justice for this, the government will wait for the High Court to decide one way or another, said Rodriguez.

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