View Full Version : [DR1] Reform methodology defined today

07-14-2006, 03:10 PM
The Constitutional Reform Coordinating Commission will meet with President Leonel Fernandez at 5pm today to define the methodology to be used in the public consultation process announced as part of the reform. Diario Libre reports that the constitutional reform will be based on a broad-based citizen consultation process in accordance with a document produced by a Special Commission in 2001. Reform commission president Msgr. Agripino Nunez Collado explained that today's session is a preliminary meeting to discuss the project draft. A group of Spanish attorneys who will provide the government with advice, together with national constitutional experts on this matter, is expected in the country later this month.

The Fernandez government is giving priority to constitutional reform. The ruling PLD party won majority in Congress starting 16 August and thus will have the last word as to what is included in the expected 2006 constitutional revision.

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