View Full Version : Cabarete vs Canoa

03-01-2010, 01:00 PM
Three associations in Cabarete have become very active in restoring citizens' rights. The Cabarete Development Association (ADECA), the Cabarete and Sosua Association for Protection of the Environment and Tourism, and the Federation for the Sustainable Development of Cabarete have been meeting to plan with a long-term vision for the north coast beach town.
One of the first challenges they took on was to stop the construction of high-rises and buildings that block the wind that has made Cabarete a world famous windsurfing, kiteboarding and sailing mecca. After two years of campaigning by the groups, President Leonel Fernandez has signed a decree limiting the height of buildings, increasing the distance buildings can be built from the beach, and implementing a design in which higher floors will be set back from the lower floors allowing the wind to flow over the buildings.
The second priority of the organizations has been to back a mayor who supports development and respects the area's natural resources. They are opposed to Gabriel Antonio Mora Ramirez (Canoa) who despite having a trial pending for illegal landfill of the Cabarete lagoon, seeks to run for mayor. The business groups are lobbying for the PRSC to drop its support for the candidate. Canoa is a councilor for Sosua, but is acting mayor for Cabarete and has been known to authorize acts that are contrary to the sustainable development of the area. Adeca told El Caribe that they are concerned about his regular practice of invading the Cabarete lagoon, a protected area.
The community says that this is the first election in which Cabarete will be voting for its own mayor, and this has raised expectations in the community. Adeca has called on the Central Electoral Board (JCE) to reject any candidate with a track record of violating the better interests of the community.
A court in Puerto Plata in January sent Canoa to trial accused of violation of Law 64-00 on Environment regarding damage to the Cabarete lagoon, a protected area.
www.elcaribe.com.do/site/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=237804:cabarete-teme-canoa-amplie-poder&catid=104:nacionales&Itemid=115 (http://www.elcaribe.com.do/site/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=237804:cabarete-teme-canoa-amplie-poder&catid=104:nacionales&Itemid=115)

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