View Full Version : Dominican wins Independence Tour

03-01-2010, 01:00 PM
A Dominican cyclist has won Dominican Independence Cycling Tour, just the second time in the competition's 31-year history. Augusto Sanchez of the Aro & Pedal team became the first Dominican in 22 years to win the event. In the team category, Telecable Central of La Vega won, followed by Spidertech (Canada), Kazakhstan and Aro & Pedal. Sanchez, who comes from Barahona, ended the eight phases of the event with a time of 26 hours, 33 minutes and 19 seconds. He was 1:51 minutes ahead of Bruno Langlois of Spidertech, and 2:30 minutes ahead of Amir Makichev of Kazakhstan, who came in third. Another Dominican, Leonardo Grullon, made 6th place.

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