View Full Version : Last minute deals on alliances

03-03-2010, 02:20 PM
The saying that "The Lord helps those who get an early start" found no responses among the leadership of the country's main political parties yesterday. They all waited until the last minutes before midnight to beat the deadline set by the Central Electoral Board (JCE) for filing the documents that support their political alliances.
In a parade of agonizing little steps, the last to arrive were the National Progressive Force (FNP), just five minutes before midnight. The PRSC (party president Carlos Morales Troncoso is minister of foreign relations) arrived at 11:51pm and the Alliance for Democracy (APD) arrived at the JCE at 11:45pm. The three allies of the ruling PLD, whose delegate arrived at the JCE at around 10:40 at night, all held meetings with President Leonel Fernandez at the Funglode headquarters before arriving at the JCE. Pelegrin Castillo of the FNP, Tacito Perdomo of the PRSC and Labor Minister Max Puig of the APD, were all racing against the clock and seemed to be in a rush. This last minute "scurrying" included delegates of the Institutional Democratic Party (PDI) and the Social Democratic Alliance (ASD), both allies of the main opposition party, the PRD.
The "white" party (PRD) was the first to register it alliances. Its secretary general, Orlando Jorge Mera, arrived at the JCE at 8:20 in the evening together with the PRD delegate at the JCE, Virgilio Bello Rosa, and some delegates from the minority parties that support the PRD. During the next hour and a half, the PRD completed the registration of the alliance with the National Veteran and Civilian Party (PNVC), the Democratic Alternative Movement (MODA), the Civic Renovation Party (PCR), the Dominican Humanist Party (PHD) and the Unity and Change Independence Movement (MIUCA). At the last minute, the PDI and the ASD joined in the alliance.
The ruling party was joined by several parties besides the PRSC, the ADP and the FNP. These were the Social Democratic Independent Bloc (BIS), the Quisqueyan Christian Democratic Party (PQDC), the Dominican Workers Party (PTD), the Christian Democratic Union (UDC), the National Unity Party (PUN), the Dominican Republic Liberal Party ("The Structure PLRD"), the Liberal Action Party (PAL), the National Renaissance Party (PRN), the Popular Democratic Party (PDP) and the Popular Christian Party (PPC).

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