View Full Version : US$1billion in sovereign bonds

03-04-2010, 02:40 PM
The Senate moved last night on the bill aimed at authorizing the President to issue up to US$1 billion in sovereign bonds. The bill says the funds are intended for public infrastructure work. The bill was approved with a minimum of 17 ruling party PLD senators and one PRSC senator.
The PRD senators left the session in protest at the pressure to expedite the bill, saying that it should have been sent to commission for study given its impact on the economy. Senate president Reinaldo Pared Perez and the Hacienda and Budget Commissions chairmen Tommy Galan and Dionis Sanchez said that the President had sent the bill to Congress in July 2009.
The Senate also approved three foreign loans totaling US$121.4 million for the construction of the Guaigui dam and water projects on the Camu River. The Senate also authorized the government to borrow US$43.6 million to equip the Centro Comprensivo del Cancer at the Heriberto Pieter Hospital.

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