View Full Version : some global searches that we need done . . .

07-15-2006, 11:53 PM
I think . . . YEAH I'M drinkin . . . but just ask Jimmy . . . I do my best work drunk ! !

help me out on this thread guys. No chit-chat. Just global searches that need to be made ! !

Let€™s take a walk around town!

so €™ = '

We start at my condo in €œThe Palms€

does €œ = "


€ = " or was that bold or italic or sumthin ? ? ?

But it is dark at night€.so use caution!

€. = ya got me what that one means

Unfortunately, I didn€™t


€™ = '

Go another block and you€™ll come to a nice locals hangout on the right. They are very friendly to gringos, and you can€™t beat their prices:

and the Yum Café.

é = an e with an accent agoue or an accent grave ? ? ?

at theZum Café.

Don Tomas
07-16-2006, 02:22 AM
It's was from old posts, apostrophes and other characters got corrupted when we transferred hosts. They used different DB setups.

Live with it!