View Full Version : International Day of Women

03-09-2010, 06:00 PM
President Leonel Fernandez decorated 10 outstanding women on occasion of International Women's Day yesterday. The women that received the medal to the merit of women at the Presidential Palace ceremony were honored for their contributions to education, sports, politics, community service, business, science, technology, the arts and professions. They were:
Teresa Quidiello Castillo, education; Giovanny Sibilia, sports; Lesbia Recio, politics; Ellen Levy Koenig, science and technology; Juana Francisca Campusano, professional; Gladys Perez, arts; Flor Taveras and Juana Lomi, community service.
Others recognized are: Thoraya Ahmed Obaid, Executive Director of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and Under-Secretary General of the United Nations and Mirta Roses Periago, director of the Pan American Health Organization.
Also present were Vice President Rafael Alburquerque and Women Minister Alejandrina German.
During the event, German said that 65% of government social programs are targeted at women. She said government efforts have reduced unemployment of women from 28% to 22%.

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