View Full Version : A ban on copper exports

03-10-2010, 02:40 PM
Rafael Camilo, director of the Customs Department (DGA) announced the temporary ban of all copper exports. The order comes as a way to put a halt to the constant theft of telecom and electricity wiring and cables and other copper materials. These thefts are affecting telephone and electric service nationwide.
The announcement came after a meeting Camilo had with Celso Marranzini, executive vice-president of the Dominican Electricity Company (CDEEE); Yoneidi Castillo, the executive director of the Dominican Association of Telecommunications Enterprises (Adomtel); Oscar Pena, president of Codetel-Claro; Ryan Larrauri, the president of Tricom; Claudia Garcia, the vice-president for legal affairs for Viva; and Jonathan Gonzalez, the director of security for Orange Dominicana.
Camilo also ordered that charges be filed against companies that export stolen metals.
Telephone and electricity companies have for years complained they lose millions every year due to the theft of the wirings that cause interruptions of these services. They attribute the robberies to organized gangs.
Marranzini, the CDEEE vice-president, reported yearly losses from the theft of cables that vary between RD$200 million and RD$300 million.
Camilo said that at least 500 containers being held at the Caucedo Multimodal Port and other places. These containers are suspect of being loaded with thousands of tons of stolen copper.
Camilo expressed the will to organize the whole scrap metal market and that of copper, too. He said until this situation is well organized, and as long as he is responsible for the control of the docks in the DR, "not one pound of copper will be leaving the country".
For years now, the DR has been a major exporter of copper and metal, especially to the Asian market. There are 38 companies that purchase and export metal scraps.

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