View Full Version : Copper exports

03-11-2010, 03:30 PM
The Center for Export and Investment (CEI-RD) indicates that copper and metal scrap exports in 2009 were US$67 million in 2009. The export of metals has been gradually increasing. These were US$18 million in 2008, and US$1.4 million in 2007. DR exports the metal to China, Korea, Taiwan, US and Canada.
The Department of Customs this week ordered a ban on copper and scrap metal exports as a way to combat theft of copper wirings and other stolen metals. Increase in theft has been affecting operations of telecom and electricity distribution.
Telecom directors put the pressure on the government to stop the export of stolen goods, finding in the new director of Customs, Rafael Camilo the will to take action. Camilo says at Dominican ports there are 500 freight containers with metal for export that will be inspected.
Ricardo Koenig, of the Dominican Association of Exporters, agreed that there is a need to regulate the exports.

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