View Full Version : Moving on Ven-Col talks?

03-12-2010, 04:30 PM
Exiled and deposed Honduran President Manuel Zelaya was the person who told the Dominican government that Venezuela Foreign Minister Nicolas Maduro would visit, according to a report in today's Listin Diario. President Leonel Fernandez was expecting to meet President Hugo Chavez on his return from a meeting with US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in Guatemala, and after his meeting with President Alvaro Uribe in Colombia. This was part of the mediation efforts he had been entrusted by the Rio Group when regional heads of state met in Playa del Carmen, Mexico in February.
But this was not possible. And neither did Maduro come, as was announced locally.
In a new development, nevertheless, the Listin Diario reported that the ambassador of Venezuela, Gustavo Marquez Marin and the DR ambassador in Colombia, Angel Lockward met in Bogota yesterday. Marquez Marin had been in Venezuela since relations turned tense between Colombia and Venezuela. He returned for the meeting and had lunch with his colleague, Lockward.
The press speculated that the Venezuelan ambassador's return to Colombia and the lunch meeting could mean progress in the talks aimed at bringing about an improvement in relations between Venezuela and Colombia.

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