View Full Version : Peralta says she bought Atiemar apartment

03-16-2010, 08:00 PM
The deputy director of the IAD says that the two apartments at the Torre Atiemar in her name were purchased by herself and her brother, Juan Rafael Peralta Arias in 2007 and 2008 for resale. She denied these belong to engineer Hector Rodriguez Pimentel, head of the IAD. As reported by Z101fm.com she said that her family is the owner of gasoline stations and realtor companies. Her father was president of the Senate during the government of the late President Joaquin Balaguer.
She defended her boss, Rodriguez Pimentel as a "honest, loyal and capable man."
She said she chose to invest in the building because it had the financing of the governmental Banco de Reservas and because it was President Leonel Fernandez himself who symbolically broke ground. "Would you think anyone would think there would be any risk when the Banco de Reservas is financing and when the President breaks ground," she told z101 radio talk show.
The Atiemar tower was interveened by the Prosecutor General Office after his lead developer, Arturo Del Tiempo Marques was arrested for attempting to smuggle 1,200 kilos of cocaine into Spain.

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