View Full Version : Integral strategic plan for Santiago

03-18-2010, 04:50 PM
The business community of Santiago announced that Santiago has its Integral Strategic Plan for the long-term development of the province. Eduardo Trueba, president of the Association para el Desarrollo Incorporada (APEDI), Hendrik Kelner and Saul Abreu, of the organization were interviewed by the Listin Diario. They say they are not waiting on the government to resolve the community problems. On their agenda is the construction of the city central park, the highway that would take through traffic outside of the city, and the rescuing of the Yaque del Norte and river gullies that pass through the city. They also back the rehabilitation of the Port of Manzanillo on the northwestern Monte Cristi for the export of Cibao products.
"The 21st century is a century for cities," said Kelner, highlighting that competitiveness and economic activity takes place in the cities.
Kelner criticized the present economic model that he says favors imports over exports. He says this has impoverished Cibao communities.
He urged that the National Development Plan the Ministry of Economy and Planning has announced would be drafted this year focus on the needs of urban centers such as Santiago.
He said Santiago is ahead of the government, because the city has already defined its development strategies. He said working together the community leaders will monitor that campaign promises made be met once the officers are elected to government.
APEDI was founded in 1961 by entrepreneurs from Santiago and is behind the construction of the free zones, the university and the airport in Santiago.
Trueba urged the people of Santiago unite. "We need to end dissidence, because together, working in consensus, we can get more for Santiago," he said.
He says they need to motivate the government to include more for Santiago in the government agenda.

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