View Full Version : What caused the poisoning at mine?

03-18-2010, 04:50 PM
The Ministry of Environment has opened an investigation into the intoxication of employees at Barrick Gold on Sunday and Monday after receiving claims from environmental groups. Environmental prosecutor Andres Chalas said that he will request reports from the Ministry of Public Health and Ministry of Environment to determine if the intoxication could have been for handling of toxic substances, as reported in Hoy.
Representatives from the Instituto de Abogados para la Proteccion del Medioambiente (lawyers for the protection of the environment) and the Grupo Mundo Ecologico deposited a claim at the environmental office requesting an explanation into the real causes of the poisoning suffered by employees of the Pueblo Viejo Dominicana Corporation (Barrick Gold) in Sanchez Ramirez province.
The environmentalists say that if proof can be found that the intoxication was not for food-related, the company could be tried for violation of Article 175 of the Environmental Law 64-00.
They base their claims on reports from medical centers in the area that indicate that the patients presented symptoms that are not of food poisoning, but rather of a chemical contamination.
As reported in Clave Digital online service, Senator for Sanchez Ramirez, Felix Vasquez suspects why the company has not allowed the employees to speak about what happened. He demanded that a mixed commission of the Ministry of Public Health and Environment come up with an explanation.
Online news portal 7dias.com.do says that it is strange that employees of the company reported who have said they did not eat the Sunday meal the company says caused the problem also suffered from vomitting and nausea. The company said 348 employees suffered from food poisoning following a Sunday lunch.
The online service says that a large number of those who suffered the poisoning are Peruvians employed at the mine.

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