View Full Version : More cocaine linked to Del Tiempo

03-22-2010, 03:20 PM
El Dia reports that the 935 kilos of cocaine that were confiscated at the Puerto Multimodal Caucedo on 5 November 2009 were consigned to a Spanish company (Hisdomine) in which Arturo del Tiempo Marques is listed as the administrator. The Spanish authorities did not act until 1 March 2010 when he was arrested after another shipment with 1,200 kilos of cocaine arrived at the Spanish port of Valencia. The company's registry in Spain is NIFB-85676898 as an importer and exporter of marble and other materials.
As reported in El Dia, the first shipment was confiscated in an operation personally headed by the head of the National Drug Control Department (DNCD), Major General Rolando Rosado Mateo.
Upon confiscating the drugs, the DNCD reported that the freight was consigned to Hisdomine and that the DNCD knew the identity of the owners. The newspaper points out that despite this warning, Del Tiempo Marques continued to operate normally, holding an expensive event in February to mark the inauguration of his Torre Atiemar, which following to the 1,200 kilos shipment confiscated in Spain, would be taken over by the Prosecutor General Office in the DR. Since, the property has been handed to the government Banco de Reservas, its financier in the DR.
As reported in El Dia, the shipment that was confiscated in Valencia left from the Caucedo Port concealed under pallets of polished granite.

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