View Full Version : Nobody knows where he is

03-22-2010, 03:20 PM
The Prosecutor General of the Republic has no idea whether Nicaraguan Orin Clinton Gomez Halford, who is said to have brought the 1,300 kilograms of cocaine involved in the massacre of seven people in Paya, Bani into the DR, has left the country. In this case, the assistant AG, Bolivar Sanchez, the director of Internal Affairs of the Prosecutor General office, said that the responsibility lies with the judge who issued the decree of Denial of the Prosecutors' Petition to the nine people implicated in the Paya case.
Because of this, nobody knows where Gomez Halford is right now.
Sanchez said that once the judge of the National District First Court of Instruction, Roman Berroa Hiciano, decreed the dismissal of the charges against Gomez, the decision had to be executed, and at the same time the coercive measures of preventive custody and travel restrictions that had been applied to the Nicaraguan were also lifted.
"Neither the District Attorney nor the judicial authorities can pursue a person or keep him under surveillance if a judge has removed the existing coercive measures", he stated.
News reports indicate that if as speculated Gomez Halford has left the country, prosecutors will have a weak case in finding who is responsible, and in establishing the masterminds behind the crime and their accomplices in the Dominican government and military.
El Dia reports that Gomez Halford is the key witness, as the only survivor of the murders in Ojo de Agua, Paya. Lawyer Carlos Olivares told El Dia that without Gomez Halford there might not even be a case. Making matters worse, it is thought that nobody knows the whereabouts of the shipment of 1,300 kilos of cocaine that Gomez Halford reportedly brought to the country. The killings took place on 4 August 2008. The case is due to be heard on 13 May 2010.
El Dia speculates that the Dominican authorities allowed survivor Orin Clinton Gomez Halford to leave the country.

More... (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#13)