View Full Version : [DR1] CEMEX starts using fly ash

07-18-2006, 06:10 AM
The Cemento Mexicano company (Cemex) mixed 100 tons of "fly ash", the correct industrial term for what the newspapers call 'rock ash", with its cement production over the weekend as part of the attempt to get rid of the unsightly mounds deposited in the Samana and Manzanillo areas. According to Max Puig, the Minister of the Environment, Cemex will use the fly ash free of charge and the government will cover the US$1.0 million transport fees. Fly ash, long used in cement production in the United States and other industrialized nations, is the by-product of coal-fired generating stations. The dumping of 25,000 tons of the product in Samana caused a political scandal during the Mejia administration. After an evaluation of the process and testing the resulting cement, Cemex is expected to receive three shipments of fly ash a day and the dump is expected to be cleaned in 45 days. Samana and Manzanillo were affected by the irregular deposit and handling of fly ash imported from Puerto Rico during the Mejia administration.

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