View Full Version : [DR1] Leaks say DR will bow on DR-CAFTA

07-18-2006, 06:10 AM
Apparently, according to "sources" the Dominican Republic was not able to negotiate any leeway or anything positive regarding the issues surrounding the country's pharmaceutical industries. According to Hoy, the DR's entry into the DR-CAFTA agreement is being held up by these issues but "the Americans are unbending and the alternative is for the treaty to fall apart." Hoy cites a "highest level source" for this information. The source said that "the Dominican Republic really did not 'negotiate' anything; all it did was stick to what had been agreed with the United States and the Central American nations." As a result, the Dominican Republic does not appear to have any alternative than to accept the demands of the United States to oblige the presentation of proof of unrevealed data in the marketing of local pharmaceutical products. Without this, there will be no DR-CAFTA.

Link To Original Article (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#5)