View Full Version : Castanos proud of JCE decisions

03-24-2010, 04:40 PM
The president of the Central Electoral Board (JCE), Julio Cesar Castanos Guzman said that he felt that the recent decisions taken by the plenary of the JCE with regards to the registration of candidates are historic. He explains that the decisions are setting a legal precedent and will contribute to the institutionalization of political parties.
The magistrate seemed very satisfied with decisions taken by the 9 judges of the JCE regarding the registration of candidates for the 16 May 2010 congressional and municipal election.
During a 12-hour session on Monday, the judges agreed to not accept 3 candidates because they did not fulfill the requirements or because they accepted the appeals that were admitted by the Disputes Chamber.
"They are historic and they create an institutional precedent of legality in the administration of the Dominican electoral system and will contribute to the institutionalization of the political parties", he said.
He revealed that the PLD needs to register 3 women and the PRD, 10. The amendments can be made within the 48 hours that were given by the JCE. The official told the reporters that until the validation of the women's quota is still pending, the candidates cannot be validated, and therefore "they are suspended until this requirement is fulfilled".
For his part, JCE judge Eddy Olivares emphasized that for the first time in the history of Dominican elections compliance with the law regarding the presentation of candidates has been guaranteed. He said that the fact that the Disputes Chamber had accepted dozens of appeals constitutes a democratic opening and that the political parties need to be more careful in ensuring that the popular will as expressed in the primaries is guaranteed.

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