View Full Version : JCE tells candidates to take leave

03-29-2010, 03:40 PM
The Central Electoral Board (JCE) says that 2,560 government employees and officials must take leave of absence after being accepted as candidates for public office in the upcoming congressional and municipal elections set for 16 May 2010. The move is aimed at ensuring equality between all candidates.
Speaking at a press conference, JCE Administrative Chamber head Roberto Rosario said that this requirement is set out in Article 69 of the Election Law. Law 275-97 establishes that all government officials or public employees who aspire to an elective post will be automatically suspended on full pay from the moment the candidate is accepted.
People holding elected posts (legislators) are exempt from this requirement. Nonetheless, ruling party legislators have already promised that for the rest of the campaign they will not use the resources that come from the "barrilitos", after a controversy over the inequality that these funds, supposedly for use in social programs, would produce if used for political campaign propaganda. The legislators, nevertheless, will continue to receive the funds.

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