View Full Version : Torres case to Supreme Court

03-29-2010, 03:40 PM
The Prosecutor General has sent the Jorge Torres Puello extradition case to the Supreme Court of Justice (SCJ) Penal Chamber. Torres Puello is wanted in connection with human trafficking charges in the US as well as trafficking of Haitian children.
Also known as George Simard, Torre Puello in currently in protective custody at the Najayo Prison in San Cristobal.
A diplomatic note from the US Embassy says that Torres is sought for trial in the District Court of Vermont for trafficking of immigrants. They say that on 27 April 2003, he was accused by a Grand Jury of three charges of attempted smuggling of illegal immigrants, and one day later an arrest warrant was issued for Torres. The case was the result of a joint effort by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and the United States Border Patrol. The investigation revealed that between August and November, Torres was involved in smuggling immigrants from Canada into the United States. According to the note, he worked with other people to move 20 people during that timeframe. His work was to take the people to a hotel in Canada, rent vehicles and recruit drivers to carry them across the border for a fee.
In 2002 there were several incidents in which illegal aliens from Haiti, the Dominican Republic and other countries were taken from Canada into the state of Vermont, and they produced evidence that implicated Torres.

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