View Full Version : [DR1] Ortiz Bosch wants contract revised

07-18-2006, 04:10 PM
Former Vice President Milagros Ortiz Bosch has asked the president of the National Ethics Commission, Dr. Jose Joaquin Bido Medina, to press for the revision of the US$132 million agreement for the purchase of equipment for the police. According to a report by Clave Digital, the commission must proceed to make that contract transparent or seek its annulment, said Ortiz Bosch. The contract, which involves two loans, was approved by the Senate last week (see DR1 Daily News 14 July 2006).

Finance Minister Vicente Bengoa, who along with Interior & Police Minister Franklin Almeyda, signed the loan bill, disqualified the former Vice President from questioning the initiatives of the present government. He said the Mejia administration sunk the country with its disastrous and corrupt management. He said that Ortiz Bosch's "senseless" comments are just her interest in appearing in the press.

An editorial in today's Hoy newspaper urges the Chamber of Deputies to review the amount of the loan, interest rate, term and the prices for the vehicles, as well as commissions to be paid for this loan. Journalist Juan Bolivar Diaz reviewed the irregularities in the contract in a feature in Hoy newspaper that can be viewed at http://www.hoy.com.do/app/article.aspx?id=82177

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