View Full Version : Eduardo Fadul shut down

03-30-2010, 04:20 PM
Members of the Fadul family are known for being among the most outspoken people in the DR. Rosita Fadul, former governor of Santiago in a PRSC government, is known for her outrageous reactions and comments. Ernesto Fadul is now taking this outspokenness to new levels. Another brother, Ramon (Monchi), is the current Industry & Commerce Minister, is also known for his colorful statements. But brother Ernesto Fadul, a physician, is now taking the family outspokenness to new levels.
As a result, Ernesto Fadul's program, "El Dr. Fadul en Salud" on Cibao TV Club, Channel 53 CATV, broadcast from Santiago was shut down last week. On his program, Fadul slandered government officials, blasting them for everything from corruption and drugs trafficking to homosexuality.
Commenting on the shutdown, Fadul said: "I am not scared of anyone. The devil shows up and we will fight." He told Clave Digital: "If they have something against me, they can sue me".
Following a broadcast on Friday, 26 March, the Dominican Telecommunications Institute (Indotel) now says the channel was operating two frequencies without due authorization. The channel was only authorized to operate by channel TV or other closed circuit, it says. Indotel says that the channel was issuing its signals on frequencies that are used for air navigation. Resolution 024-10 orders the suspension of the transmission by the channel on the two frequencies (401.750 and 397.250) it was using.
Indotel board member Jose Alfredo Rizek gave the explanation, representing Economy Minister Temistocles Montas who is acting director of the department. Indotel director Jose Rafael Vargas is on leave of absence since he is running for senator for the province of Espaillat (Moca).
Rizek said that two other stations were closed for illegal operation at the same time.
He said that Channel 53 TV Club Santiago could continue to operate using cable channels.
Prior to the shutdown, cable TV companies Aster and Star Cable removed the Cibao TV Club programs following "orders from high-up", as reported in El Caribe.
Rizek said that in 1983 the government had authorized Channel 53 TV Club Santiago to operate in closed circuit systems, such as cable TV.
Rizek would not comment on whether content of the Fadul programs had been a factor in the decision to close down the station. "Indotel has not acted against freedom of expression that is a right that every citizen has regardless of whether a person may have abused this freedom," he said, in response to allegations the channel was closed because of criticisms that Fadul had made against the government and government officials, as reported in El Nuevo Diario.
An editorial in Hoy newspaper expresses concern about the apparent censorship. The newspaper said that the government should have acted against the program, not the channel. The newspaper says the intent seems to be to shut down all programs that it airs.
www.hoy.com.do/editorial/2010/3/29/319758/Una-mordaza-preocupante (http://www.hoy.com.do/editorial/2010/3/29/319758/Una-mordaza-preocupante)
The recent controversial programs can be seen at www.youtube.com/watch?v=BWUUXG54aXA (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BWUUXG54aXA)
www.youtube.com/watch?v=3y8NecnJOOs (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3y8NecnJOOs)
www.youtube.com/watch?v=j3HCG4knjac&feature=related (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j3HCG4knjac&feature=related)
www.youtube.com/watch?v=j3HCG4knjac&feature=related (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j3HCG4knjac&feature=related)

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