View Full Version : Monitor Barrick Gold

04-05-2010, 03:10 PM
Lawyer Vinicio Castillo Seman questions the US$3 billion investment touted by Barrick Gold. The lawyer says that one has to separate the actual investment from the loans the company is securing to carry out the exploitation. "Dominican society has to demand clarity and transparency in the concession contract and its execution," he writes in today's Listin. He says that the executives have said they have already invested US$1 billion, and then asks: "Who is auditing this supposed investment?" He asks why the Dominican government does not contract a leading audit firm. "Why and which interests have they been able to put in place to impede the reputable French government geological service, BRGM, from supervising the technical, economic and environmental aspects of this mining contract, the largest ever granted in Dominican history?" he asks.
Castillo writes: "They are wrong, those who mistakenly thought that with the go-ahead and green light from politicians in the majority parties (who approved the contract in Congress), the Dominican people will give in without protest. Times have changed".
He says that President Fernandez needs to listen and respond to the valid concerns that have been raised following the approval of the contract. He says it is possible to defend the country's interests without scaring away foreign investment.
www.listin.com.do/app/article.aspx?id=137229 (http://www.listin.com.do/app/article.aspx?id=137229)

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