View Full Version : Strange case of Faustino Perozo

04-05-2010, 03:10 PM
The US originally requested the extradition of Fautino Perozo on 27 February 2005, as part of investigations into the drug smuggling case involving former army captain Quirino Ernesto Paulino Castillo.
Last week the Dominican Prosecutors Office announced that the fugitive from Dominican justice had traveled here from Spain to turn himself in. But on 30 March, the US said they were no longer interested in the extradition.
In an editorial on Thursday, 1 April, El Dia newspaper commented on what it describes as the strange removal of the extradition request by the US authorities that had accused him of being a member of the gang of processed drug trafficker Quirino Ernesto Paulino Castillo, whose trial in New York City has not yet concluded.
El Dia comments that in the DR, the judiciary did not press charges against him following the extradition request. El Dia says that it now appears that Perozo unilaterally negotiated a deal with the US authorities and that is why he came to turn himself in, knowing the extradition request would be revoked. The editorialist speculates that Perozo may have provided valuable information to the US authorities.
El Dia reports the US had desisted in a letter dated 18 March, when Perozo arrived in the DR on the 22nd from Spain and was seen to be all smiles when he turned himself in to the District Prosecutors.
Gisela Cueto, assistant general prosecutor for extradition matters, confirmed there were no local charges against Perozo, although he could be charged for having several identifies and for not being able to justify the legal origin of his assets valued at more than RD$100 million, which have been confiscated.
"The lesson learned is that the criminal cases that affect the DR need to be processed here, not made dependent on processes in other nations so we do not remain as parrots at the convenience of others," concludes El Dia.

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