View Full Version : [DR1] DR goes prime time

07-19-2006, 03:10 PM
The Dominican Republic's luxury resort and residential tourism developments will be featured in an investment story scheduled to air at 7:30pm tonight, Wednesday 19 July on CNBC's On the Money program. The story would have aired on Monday, but was postponed due to breaking news stories.

The investment story will repeat many times in the next few weeks providing a taste of properties Americans are investing in the DR. It is expected it will generate interest in the US market for vacation home properties in the DR.

Correspondent Kerry Sanders toured several of the Dominican Republic's leading luxury residential developments to produce the report. The CNBC crew visited Cabarete, Cabrera, Casa de Campo in La Romana and Cap Cana and Roco Ki Westin in the Punta Cana area. Producer Nery Ynclan said they also visited a Haitian village where women wash clothes in the river to show that the DR is "a country of contrasts."

The Ministry of Tourism provided a guided tour, but NBC producer Nery Ynclan clarified that it was a NBC story. "It's completely a news story on the boom in American investing and construction on the island," she explained. She reported that interviewer Kerry Sanders was so enamored that he's in touch with a realtor about buying some land and that she herself would be returning to a villa on the north coast with her family in the spring.

Link To Original Article (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#12)