View Full Version : [DR1] Stowaways paid RD$300,000

07-19-2006, 03:10 PM
The six men who tried to stow away inside a container going to the United States paid a total of RD$300,000 according to the sole survivor of the ill-fated attempt. Five men suffocated in the container and the sixth is in hospital. Yesterday, Jose Rafael Santos, who was taken from the container in a coma, passed away. The sole survivor, Rene Jaquez, 19, told immigration officials and police that the men had paid between RD$50,000 and RD$60,000 to be hidden inside a container leaving the PISANO Industrial Free Trade Zone in Santiago and bound for Puerto Plata. The truck was stopped and searched in Navarrete and the tragedy emerged. The truck driver was arrested and is being questioned. The police have not revealed any other names involved in the illegal immigration scheme in order not to hamper their investigations.

Link To Original Article (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#11)