View Full Version : Rains on the way

04-07-2010, 08:30 PM
Weather Department officials are forecasting that rains will soon relieve the serious drought that is currently affecting the country. Gloria Ceballos, director of the National Meteorological Office (Onamet), says the El Nino phenomenon is weakening and that the much-needed rains should fall within the next couple of weeks. The drought has nearly dried up the rivers that supply Greater Santo Domingo with drinking water, and the authorities are in crisis mode. The head of the National Institute for Hydraulic Resources (INDRHI) said that his agency was drilling 65 wells as a way of easing the crisis and in preparation for any future crisis.
Ceballos said that the Center for El Nino Research has reported a significant reduction in its size, meaning that by the second week of April the country should enter into a "convective" activity that will lead to rains. She said that some rains fell in the north, northeast and the southeast over the weekend, providing some relief from the dry spell.

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