View Full Version : Quantifying the blackouts

04-08-2010, 04:50 PM
Statistics from the State Electricity Corporation (CDEEE) indicate that 36% of customers paying for the service in Santo Domingo are rewarded with blackouts. According to CDEEE figures, the electricity distribution companies have 1,361,380 registered clients. Of these paying customers on average 492,206 do not receive power some time of the day. Reportedly, only 869,174 clients receive the service regularly.
EdeNorte and EdeSur power distribution companies' customers are worst off. For example, on 26 March, shortly after the generation companies had received US$287 million to pay for arrears, EdeNorte, which serves the northern part of the country, was supplying the service to only 68% of its clients. That is, of 642,394 customers, only 434,006 received power that day. 208,388 were left without the service.
EdeSur customers fared worse on the same day. Of its 382,819 clients, only 186,944 received power on 26 March, with 195,875 being served blackouts instead, according to monitoring carried out by the Coordinating Organization of the National Grid (OC-SENI).
The CDEEE stats unit does not take non-paying customers into consideration, or those on the PRA (Blackout Reduction Program) fixed-rate program, which is being discontinued.
World Bank and Inter-American Development Bank specialists say that of those receiving the service, only 38% get billed for consumption, 25% have irregular connections and 22% receive the service with low rates under the PRA. "In this context, a solution to the historical deficit that constantly affects the distribution companies and their consequential impact on public finances cannot be resolved," say the experts.

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