View Full Version : Business sees growth but not jobs

04-09-2010, 05:20 PM
Yesterday the business sector reacted with approval to the 6% growth in the local economy and to the letter of review by the International Monetary Fund (IMF), but they were cautious about public spending and the weaknesses in formal sector job creation.
Marisol Vicens Bello, president of the Management Confederation (Copardom) said that this year's growth is a good sign and that tax collections are partly to do with the December sales, where some recovery was noted. She said the collections were achieved as a result of the double salary (Christmas bonus) and the unfortunate tragedy in Haiti. In reference to the letter of intent, she said that a significant amount of money was going to be released, stressing her belief that transparency in the use of these funds is essential. She said that there are also concerns about the electricity sector, since previously the debts have not been paid in full, which was part of the commitment. She acknowledged that there had been an improvement in electricity bill collections and that payments to the generators were continuing, along with better and firmer handling of non-paying electricity consumers. Miguel Roig Alfaro, president of the National Association of Young Entrepreneurs (ANJE) said that they expected that 2010 would be a year of growth and recovery, if everything remains stable.

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