View Full Version : Catching up with citizen IDs

04-15-2010, 05:10 PM
The Central Electoral Board (JCE) has received five mobile units for issuing identification documents to citizens who were not registered by their parents at birth.
The equipment, worth RD$24.8 million, was acquired with a donation from the World Bank. JCE Administrative Chamber president Roberto Rosario received the equipment from World Bank representative Enrique Ogando. The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) is assisting the Executive Commission for Reform of the Health Sector (CERSS) and the Ministry of Education in the program, which has enabled the JCE to issue the so-called unique identity numbers (NUI) to 432,905 students. The goal with the new equipment is to identify another 364,000 minors and impoverished adults, so that they may benefit from the governmental SIUBEN program, which gathers all the government welfare programs including subsidized power, propane gas and school subsidies for the very poorest.
See: www.gabsocial.gov.do/siuben (http://www.gabsocial.gov.do/siuben)
Rosario said that as part of the initiative, 232,036 poor people who did not legally exist have now been documented. This is about 25% of all the poorest people who live in the DR and do not have identity documents.
In the DR, parents have 30 days to register their children at birth. If they fail to do so, a lengthy process must be followed which discourages parents from legalizing their offspring.

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