View Full Version : Disenchanted voters

04-15-2010, 05:10 PM
Writing in today's Hoy newspaper, Fabio Herrera-Minino comments that Dominicans, due to vote on 16 May, have sunk into a state of disenchantment about what he describes as "ineffable and rotten political class that dominates Dominican democracy". He comments that the extended six-year term for those elected in 2010 has made the elected posts even more attractive to these politicians.
He writes that opportunists prevail among politicians, as they seek the incredible prosperity that comes with political success. "Politicians have scammed and frustrated the country, he writes, explaining that they have reached power to convert the state into a corrupt machinery, used for their personal profit, with the awareness that there is no penal consequence.
"There is a feeling of frustration and repressed rage," he writes. He says Dominicans accept the ruling party politicians who during campaign time get involved in massive road repair programs and seek to increase the number of people registered in government welfare programs.
"But those in the opposition don't stay behind". He says they waste the resources of the municipalities under their leadership, do not let go of their "barrilito" slush funds either, and also cheat the public. He comments that the citizenry is frustrated and resigned to carrying the burden of a corrupt, incompetent and lying political class.
"There is a great deal of disillusionment in Latin America towards the political class," he writes.
He explains that the new popular leadership has not been resolved the problems it promised to tackle. On the contrary, he writes that countries have slid deeper into greater poverty resulting from wasteful use of taxpayers' money.
"Money here is wasted when it is diverted to the pockets of politicians who become more and more powerful and confident of their impunity, safe in the knowledge that they never will have to be accountable for their repeated theft," he concludes.

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