View Full Version : Advances on Metro2

04-15-2010, 05:10 PM
The director of the of Transport Reorganization Office (OPRET), better known as the Metro Office says that work on the construction of the second line of the metro has gone ahead in order to to gain time. As reported in Diario Libre, Diandino Pena confirmed that Opret is building four Metro stations: Ortega y Gasset, Lope de Vega, Abraham Lincoln, Maximo Gomez and Luperon. He added that 150 meters of tunnel have been dug under the Olympic Center. Pena said the work has cost between US$7 and US$8 million that has been contracted to around 100 companies. A sixth station could be located between Ave. Winston Churchill and the Rica plant. Pena said the total cost of the second line is US$750 million, so what has been spent so far is "insignificant."
Pena said that 16 companies had bid in the tender, and they are negotiating with just one, but an agreement has not been reached.

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