View Full Version : MLB draft protested

04-15-2010, 05:10 PM
Aspiring Major League Baseball hopefuls and their scouts and coaches are protesting at the appointment of Sandy Alderson to reorganize MLB operations in the DR. Yesterday hundreds of protesters showed up in front of the Hotel Embajador where Alderson was meeting with representatives of 30 MLB organizations with training camps in the DR.
As reported in Diario Libre, the aspiring players believe that the MLB plans to impose a draft in the DR that would limit the amount of players and the bonuses they receive. The president of the Association of Independent Scouts, Enrique Soto, said the draft would reduce the numbers of Dominicans who can benefit from baseball, as reported in Listin Diario. He said that there were over 3,000 baseball farm programs in the country, and only between 600 and 700 players are signed. He said the implementation of a draft could lead to total collapse as he says has occurred in Puerto Rico. He said once the draft was instated in Puerto Rico, the signing of talents has been minimal.
Dominicans hired to play in the US receive US$93,000, Diario Libre reports.
Alderson is a former MLB vice president of baseball operations (1998-2005), and in that role he helped establish the MLB Dominican office that he now he seeks to reform.

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