View Full Version : Nakom's first trip report - April 2010 (without pictures)

04-16-2010, 07:26 PM
With permission from JimmyDr I am re-posting my report without pictures in this thread so all the newbie's (like me) can enjoy and learn. For the report with pictures of the chicas you have to go over to the private section. To gain access to the private section you need to purchase a membership or post some good trip reports of your own.

04-16-2010, 07:27 PM
Day #1 – Welcome to the DR - Blackbeards.

It all started with a 6:00 am flight from Western Canada. 8 hours later I landed in POP, quickly breezed through customs, and met another ISOC member to head over to Blackbeards. It took a long time at the Alamo rental counter, and they did not have the midsize SUV I booked, so they upgraded me to a full size for no extra charge. I had already changed a few dollars in to pesos in Canada so we were ready to go. First stop was the main Claro store in POP. It took a little time to find, but getting a phone and min was easy. The phone was 400rd and came with a 100rd phone card. I also bought two extra 500rd cards. The clerk (chica) spoke good English and loaded the first 500rd card onto my phone for me, set the default language to English, and programmed my number into the contacts for me – awesome! From there we headed to BB – we missed the turn a couple of times – but found it eventually. As for the driving, it is crazy, but maybe not as bad as everyone reports. After my trip report, I will also post a newbie education post, and will cover driving, safety, money, chicas, ect, ect.

Checking into BB was easy, and you pay cash for the room up front. I had pesos, so it is a little cheaper than using USD. I had the deluxe room, it was clean and had everything you need. The only crappy thing was that the safe uses a key. The other awesome thing is the shower – it is all tile and fits you and about 4 chicas if you want. I got unpacked and ‘chica-proofed’ my room and headed down to meet my wingman. We had a couple Presidentes at the bar and met a few chicas, I walked around and did a tour, and then we had dinner. The food was great. All through dinner chicas would come over and say hello and even sit down for a bit. After dinner one of the chicas I had been talking to asked me if I wanted to go hot tubing. There were not many chicas there, and in my opinion she was the best of the bunch (Maria). By this time I was getting loaded and we had a shot of tequila and grabbed two road pops and headed to the hot tub.

I told Maria that I needed to head up stairs and grab my suit. She then replied “no, no, we go oh natural”. Sounds good to me, so off we went. We strip, we get in, she attacks me, and 15 min later I am getting a bbbj in an outdoor public hot tub. Holy shit – welcome to the DR Nakom. We were in the tub for about a half hour and then headed up to the room.

In the room I sent her off to the shower and put everything in the safe and hid the key. Once we were showered up, I gave her one of my gift bags (more on that in my final report) and we got down to business. Anything you want, great service and passion, 1500rd, and I go to sleep a very happy man my first night in the DR.

04-16-2010, 07:27 PM
Day # 2 – Off to Sosua – New Garden

We woke up fairly early and had breakfast at BB. There was only one chica there at 11:00 and about 3 when we left around noon. Again the food was good. We hit Sosua and my wingman took me on a little driving tour of the main spots. We then went to the NG and I met Wilfred. Wilfred is a great guy and helped me get settled. I booked a jacuzzi suite on the top floor of the new wing. A tip for all that like to stay at the NG. Room 41 in the new wing is massive! There is one king size bed and the room is 2-3 times as big as any of the others I saw. If you don’t mind all the walking up and down the stairs go for it (except when I am coming down). The new wing at NG is nicer than BB and the hotel is great. I had power and hot water for my entire stay – and I had my room at 17 deg the entire trip (the chicas hated it) – the AC works great! The best thing is that it has an electronic safe (no keys) so it makes things a lot easier.

We then headed out for a supply run. We hit the bank, the big grocery store by the highway and the pharmacy. There is a big bank about 2 blocks from the NG (Banco Popular). It is big, clean, has AC, the teller knew a little English, and the best thing is there are 2 guys with shot guns at the door. I felt really safe in there and changed $1000 USD at 35.95rd. I figured it would be better to change a bunch at once and get it into my safe, rather than a little each day. Then I only took out what I needed for the day / night from the safe. The pharmacy 2 doors down from the NG did not have much and was way over priced. We went to the big one 2 blocks over towards the main highway near the entrance to the beach. I bought a Lapella (more on that in my final report) for 50rd. The grocery store is great (close to one you would find back home). I bought a case of water, beer, Gatorade, vodka, red bull, and some snacks. It helps to have wheels to carry all the stuff, but I recommend everyone to hit the grocery store and stock up their room.

My wingman thought it would be best if we headed down to Passions to get me into the swing of things. We drove down, and they have purchased the lot next door, so they have fenced in parking on site. Also, they are in the middle of an expansion to double the size of the bar. Walking in there for the first time had my head spinning. I could not believe the number and quality of the chicas standing behind the bar that were all available for dine in or take out – amazing the first time you see it. After a Presidente I could not wait any longer. Yissel is new at Passions and is only 18. OMFG! Maybe the hottest girl I saw in the DR all week. I ordered combo # 2 – 1 hour massage with bj finish for 1300rd. This girl is great – sexy, fun, passionate, and you can bounce quarters off her stomach and crack walnuts on her ass. I get back to the bar and wingman looks at his watch and says “what the hell are you doing back hear, it’s only been 35 min”. The massage was good, and the flip side was over in the blink of an eye. YMMV but this is a ‘do not miss’ chica in my opinion. Everyone I met on my trip sessioned with her - but you have to get there early because people were taking her out at 1:00 in the afternoon.

We cleaned up and headed to Bailey’s just around the corner from the NG. The food was awesome. It is expensive for DR standards (cheap compared to home), but it has a big menu and includes salad bar. I (we) ended up eating a lot at Bailey’s over the week. Then we headed out to ‘the strip’. For your first time down there you can not believe what you see. The number of hot chicas around is incredible, and they all want to talk to you. We settled into Meringue bar and watched the night unfold. For me, Meringue bar is the best place down there, the music is at a reasonable level (they play local stuff), and all the chicas stroll through and come up to talk to you. It is a never ending parade of chicas. This is where I ended up meeting Dominican Louie (through my wingman). Many of you might already know him, but for a newbie he is a lot of help. I will get into more of Louie in later day reports. I met Rosa in Meringue bar and we all headed up to Classicos until close and then over to Club X.
Rosa is the kind of girl I pictured meeting in the DR. She is young, hot, lighter skinned, has a super hot body, and treated me like a king in bed. Again, anything you want in bed, and a finish all over her naked body. This was my first time ever with a Lapella (or any other type) and wow! I have heard Rosa partakes in ‘extra curricular activities’ (after I had been with her), but I talked to her almost every day, set her up a couple of times with other mongers, and had zero problems. Day two was everything I had dreamed of in the DR.

04-16-2010, 07:28 PM
Day # 3 – Nakom has a heart attack.

Slept late and got a hold of wingman1 and had lunch, and he decided to take me down and show me the beach. Got hassled all the way down, but not as bad as people make it out to be. Stopped in and met Herman (great guy) and had a beer, and then continued down the beach. I bought a coral necklace and the guy tried to charge me 1300rd. I held my ground and got him down to 500rd. We stopped in at Herman’s again for another beer and I asked him how I did. Herman said it should have been more like 200rd and I could have done a lot better – lessoned learned (I am a quick learner though). The beach was not what I expected but was a fun time. On the way back I met Derek at Big D – what a super nice guy. We just had lunch so I did not have any food but I did want to meet him.

Got back to the NG and started feeling the urge so I decided to try one of the local NG girls that hang around (I wanted to experience one of everything this trip). I can’t remember her name but she is around there almost every day so most of you should know who she is. I just wanted a bbbj and negotiated 700rd, and I must admit it was fantastic (really wet). I decided to take a nap and watch the Masters.

Wingman1 was down at Cuba Libra so I got a hold of wingman2 and we met after dinner. What we did I recommend to every one. We took off towards Bailey’s and started at the little bar across the street (there are 3 hot little chicas that work there). We had a couple of drinks and then continued on our walk stopping at bars all along the way having a few beers until we got to Cuba Libra. This normally takes about 3 hours, and by the time you get to the end you are good and smashed. From there we take a moto to Meringue Bar and find our chica for the night. It is a great chance to relax and talk, and get lots of phone numbers from the chicas.

At Meringue Bar I met Coral. Coral was the most fun, super high energy chica I met. She speaks really good english (for Sosua) and is considerate and nice. I never thought I would say that about a Sosua chica but she is in a class of her own. She hooked wingman2 up with a friend and we hit Classicos and Club X again. Wingman2 had trouble negotiating a price with his chica (she would not say a price as “she is not a punta”). Louie was around and got everything worked out. The four of headed back to my room at NG and this is where the fun begins.

Before bed each night I took a multi-vitamin and drink 2 bottles of water (really helps with the hangovers). I offered one to wingman2 and he wanted one. The chicas also wanted one so I gave them one each. After they went down to their room, Coral and I got down to business. She was on top of me kissing and playing and I wanted to switch, so I flipped her off me and on to her back (aggressively but not forcefully or hard). The problem was that she smashed her head into the head board. I don’t mean a bump, I mean hard. It was a complete accident, but I really felt terrible. I think she almost got a concussion, and after a while of just laying there got up and puked in the bathroom. When she came back she started asking about the pill I gave her and she thought I drugged her (remember her english is near perfect – she was married to a Canadian). I grabbed two more and showed her and took them to try and convince her they were just vitamins. Then she passed out cross-wise on the bed and I didn’t know what to do. A few min later there is a knock at my door. Now I am shitting a brick. I just knocked out and drugged a chica and her chulo is here with 5 friends to kill me (in my head). I go to the door and ask who it is, and it is her friend. I can also hear a male voice with her. My heart is pounding. I tell her just a min and I call the front desk – no answer. I go out on the patio and look for the security guard – he is no where to be found. OMFG – what am I going too do. Then Coral tells me her roommate needs her keys. She tells me to grab the keys from her purse and give them to her. She has still not moved from the fetal position across the bed. So I grab the keys and the bottle of vodka by the neck and head to the door. I am holding it, and if anyone comes at me I’m going to just smash him with the bottle. I open the door and it is her friend from wingman2 and the NG security guard. Holy shit – thank god. I give the keys to her friend and tell her she is not feeling well. She comes in and talks to her and takes her to the bathroom and she pukes some more. I tell her friend that they were just vitamina and I hit her head by accident. Her friend gives me the thumb and bottle drinking sign pointing to her and says “no problima”. I guess wingman2 and I party pretty hard and they both normally don’t drink that much.

While they are in the bathroom I gather up all her clothes, jewellery, shoes, cell phone, purse, her gift bag, and 2000rd and lay it all out on the bed for her. When she comes out she is a little upset and curious why she wants me to leave. She has seen the 2000rd there for her but still wants to stay. Her friend takes the keys and leaves, and she crawls back into bed and motions me to come over and get in. I jump in and she spoons me and falls asleep.

In the morning we both shower (plus brush and mouthwash), and she wants to get down. I had my best session of the trip that morning. All the pictures I have of her are from that morning – her hair takes a lot of work to do up and it was obviously not done in the morning. She was happy and fine with what happened, and I got the ultimate GFE. What a night!!!

04-16-2010, 07:28 PM
Day # 4 – Senior Manyana and the pick-pocket.

I had plans to meet wingman3 at Rocky’s for breakfast at 11:00 who got in late Friday night. With the shit the show that happened the night before and the long morning session, I didn’t leave the room until after 3:00. I called wingman2 and we headed out for lunch with a quick stop at the pharmacy. Leaving the pharmacy I spotted wingman1 who was going to the beach to meet up with wingman3. Perfect!. Wingman1 got up early and met wingman3 at Rocky’s so everything worked out great. That’s when you know you got a good wingman – when he does stuff like that for you. Apparently they both came to my room and where pounding on the door at 1:00 and we were not even out of bed yet. So we went back to the beach and the hassles started again. Here is my tip for newbie’s and veterans. When the first guy comes out at you, tell him you will visit his store on the way back, but only if he keeps the rest of the guys away from you (see I learn quick). He followed a little behind us and told all the other guys to leave us alone and we were not bothered until we actually got on the beach. Met up with wingman3 and the 4 of us went to Big D for lunch. Lunch was good and we headed back.

We stopped at a salon on the way back and wingman2 got a straight razor shave and I got a mani / pedi (first time for everything). The chica doing my nails was a tiny little thing but not that great looking. She cut and shaped my toes and then put them in the bath to soak. Then she did my hands and at that time she had to go back to the feet. This was 1 ½ hours in. I said forget it and paid for both – how long does this normally take. 200rd for mani plus 200rd for pedi, and I gave her 100rd propina. Wingman2 kept leaving, going for a beer, coming back, like 4 times.

The 4 of us had dinner at Bailey’s and headed out on our tour. During our tour on the way down to Cuba Libra, we were walking on the sidewalk in front of Meringue Bar (we don't stop there on the way down) and wingman2 says be careful that chica is a pick-pocket. She was fat and ugly, and was not dressed like a punta. Not 10 seconds later she comes at me with her hand out grabbing towards my crotch. I smacked her hand away hard before she even touched me, and she said something pissy in Spanish and kept walking. It pays to have experienced wingmen.

Once we got down to Passions wingman3 took Yissel for combo 2 and he was back even quicker than me (30 min). We all gave him a big round of applause as he broke his DR cherry. Back to Meringue Bar and then up to Classicos. Looking for chicas as usual and who comes by but my manicurist from the salon (I bet you were wondering why I told that story). Turns out she is much better looking when she gets all dressed up, and her body was bangin’. Six pack, rock hard ass, perfect. She came over and started talking to us and I wanted to session her and so did wingman2. It was his last night, so I said go ahead and I would see her later (never did). Another great tip I learned from wingman2 is the word manyana – which means tomorrow. By saying that to a chica, she does not get mad because you are not saying no, you are saying yes for tomorrow. Chances are you will never see the girl again anyways, but they go away happy and do not have to save face, nor do they beg you or hang around for no reason – it works out great for monger and punta. Anyways, wingman2 uses it all the time, and so did the rest of us. In Classicos this chica comes up to us that we have never seen before, I did not really like her, so I introduced her to wingman2. She takes one look at him and says “oh senior manyana”. Too funny.

Closed out Classicos and I still did not have a chica. We headed to Club X, found one I like and I asked her if she wanted a drink. She says sure, so I order two presidentes and then she says something to the bartender (I am assuming ‘light’ or corona). Turns out she ordered two other drink for her and her friend. I was drunk and there was bar sink right in front of me. So I grabbed the two drinks she ordered and poured them down the sink and gave the other beer to Louie. I could care less about the $rd – it was principal. We headed back to NG and I was empty handed. Fortunately, I always got phone numbers and the first girl I called was Coral and she came right over for TLN – same as before 2000rd. Another awesome session and a fun night.

04-16-2010, 08:07 PM
Day # 5 – Nakom’s first happy hour.

Slept in late again and had a great morning session with Coral. Did I mention this girl is fantastic! PM me if you are in Sosua now and would like her number (or any of these chicas). It was Sunday and I was coming off a 4 day bender so I decided to take it easy. I went over to Bailey’s and got a take out pizza and headed back to my room to watch the final day of the Masters. I had 1 ½ slices and could not take another bite – it was gross – and it was expensive. Finished watching Mickelson win and made plans with wingman1 to head to Rocky’s and try the ribs. On the way out I gave the rest of the pizza to the NG security guard, and he was really happy with that. The ribs were good and just as we were finishing up wingman3 met us. This was a really late supper so we headed straight to Meringue Bar.

In his classic fashion, wingman3 grabbed the first thing that talked to him, and pulled the chute early. I promised myself (and told my wingmen) I was not going up to Classicos tonight. Wingman1 says “can I get that in writing, I’ve seen you in action”. I saw a super hot chica in there and was trying to get her attention, but she was being blocked by her friend who was eyeing me up and smiling. She was ok, but her friend was off the hook. She finally came over and started talking to me and I told her that I was interested in her amiga. Her amiga had wandered off but she went and got her for me and they both sat down at the bar with us. Earlier I had set up wingman1 with a chica that I did not like but he wanted her, and they were at the bar beside us. I start talking to the one, and they start talking happy hour. Well I have never had a happy hour, so thought what the hell. They asked for 2000rd each, but quickly settled for 1500rd each ST. The 5 of us headed back to NG around 1:00. The first three nights I got back between 5-6am so this was an accomplishment.

These chicas did not want to shower and said that they had just got up and showered an hour earlier. Fine with me I guess. I gave them both a toothbrush and made them go brush and mouthwash. Once all the gear came off they smelled great anyways. They were not interactive with each other but they both went down on me at the same time which was great. I hammered them both twice (used 4 condoms) and while one was busy the other one would play with my nipples, play with my balls, kiss me, or play with herself. The hot one would not kiss, and the other one was a sloppy mess licking my lips and giving me a rectal exam with her tongue via my mouth. They finished me off with a double bbbj. These were the most hardcore puntas I met on my trip. I normally feel out the girls at the disco and talk to them longer before deciding. Lesson learned – but I learn quick. The really hot one would not allow me to take her picture (too bad) and the other one said no head shots. Anyway, a short time happy hour for 3000rd and finally a good nights sober sleep for me. For me, happy hour was not all that I dreamed it to be, and I actually preferred 1 chica. Maybe with the right two chicas I might change my mind. Next trip I guess.

04-16-2010, 09:43 PM
Day # 6 – Day trip and gringo Spanish

Today was the day I was supposed to check-out and spend my last two days at FOD. Fuck that – I was having way to much fun in Sosua to leave. I decided to stay another night at NG and possibly my last night at FOD. I was up a reasonable hour so wingman1 and I decided to take a day trip to FOD and check it out, and then down to Caberete to check the beach, and I wanted to see some kite surfing.

We got to FOD and it is a really nice layout. We had a presidente at the bar and checked out the menu. They have a full menu, and the prices are ok – not cheap but fair. There were only 4 chicas there and I might let one give me a bj, and the other 3 were keepers – you can keep her! One of the chicas new wingman1 and came over to say hello. He said that she used to work at BB. On a side note, wingman1 might as well be the mayor Sosua. I can’t remember one place we went were someone did not come up and say hello. He knows the chicas, bartenders, all the owners of the bars, the moto drivers, the maids, and everyone on the beach. Anyways, that made up my mind quickly, and I was staying at the NG for my last two nights.

Off to Caberete, and we hit the beach. It is an awesome beach! It makes Sosua beach look like a volleyball court. If you are into lying around in the sun and swimming that is the place to be. I finally hit the ocean – just waded in a little – so at least I can say I was in the ocean. We had lunch at a restaurant on the beach and then headed back. There were little to no chicas in Caberete, but there were lots of good looking tourists. It might be fun to hit a club on the beach down there one night. The only thing that pissed me off was there was not a single kite surfer out. It was a windy day, so maybe they can’t have too much wind.

Having no luck really communicating with the chicas this week, once we got back to the NG I came up with an excellent way to get through to them. I bought one of those english spanish talking dictionaries and brought it down with me. What I decided to do was look up pre-programmed sentences, common phrases, and words and piece together a text message and send it to the chicas. I invited a chica I had met the day before at Secrets to meet me at the NG at 5:00 for a beer (and some daytime action for me). She called me and started talking spanish (I had no clue) and was saying something about seis (6:00). Eventually we just hung up as we were getting nowhere fast. I thought maybe she might come over at 6:00. At 5:00 she shows up with two of her friends just as I had texted. She explained that she had to work at 6:00 and would drop in at 5:00 for a beer. Her name is Chiki and her mad hot friend is Carolina, and the other one was Cathy. We all had a presedente and a nice chat. Next time you are in town go to Secrets and check them out. Don’t pay the 1000rd barfine, just get their number and call them the next day or later that night. These three young hot chicas started quite a stir at the NG. All of the older guests that don’t get out much wanted to meet them – and one guy ran over and nearly knocked me over and cut in front of me at the gate when he saw them. Once he found out I had invited them to meet me, he backed off and we got him some phone numbers. He ended up paying the barfine and sessioning with Carolina that day.

That night the three amigos had dinner and did our tour down to passions where wingman1 was supposed to pick up a happy hour for the night. When we got there they were both in the back, so he said forget it and barfined Yissel who was there. OMFG you should see her in street clothes. Everyone in Classicos could not take their eyes off her! We took motos back to the NG to drop off her bag and walked over to Meringue. On the way guess who comes flying up to me out of El Flow – it’s Chiki. This is great, I don’t have to search for a chica tonight. We hit Classicos and Chiki does not want to dance. She says she has been on her feet all day in heels and she can’t stand it. So I saw the bar manager from Passions there and we hit the floor. I was back on the sauce and got super smashed again. Fun!

Back at the room everything was great with Chiki. She is very petite with a perfect figure and small breasts. She was the only girl I was with that would not bbbj. She said for safety – how can I argue with that. 2000rd for TLN. Great session, great ass, and a great girl.

04-17-2010, 12:31 AM
Day # 7 – Haitian fever and Nakom’s live sex show

Chiki had to be at work at 11:00 so I got up at a decent hour again this morning. She only had time for a quickie but it was just what I needed that early in the morning. It felt great to just lie back with a morning wood, have her jump and top and ride me until completion before I had my morning shower. I never got out of bed – what a way to wake up.

I made my way down and me and wingman1 decided to go to Rocky’s for breakfast (another thing on my list). This was the first day I was up in time for breakfast the entire trip. The food was good, and the prices were super cheap. Wingman1 wanted to hit the pool, so I headed over to meet wingman3 and check out his place. He was staying at Condos Dominicana, which is a villa just off the strip down by Four Roses. The rooms are like a small studio apartment with a kitchenette. We hung out at his pool for awhile and he wanted me to try some more gringo spanish and get Rosa over to see him. I made the text and after a call or two that accomplished nothing, she showed up as per the text. I set up a meeting of my own with a chica I met a few days earlier at the NG for an hour later (man this gringo text is working great).

Brenda is another super petite girl that is just 18. I actually checked her cedula to make sure before we went up. Then on the way up, one of the employees from NG checked it again on our way up the stairs. She is super cute and you can hold her ass in both hands. In fact, you can hold it above your waist and hammer her standing up if you want. She was up for everything except kissing (just lightly). She was not very passionate and, not a GFE. The sex was great, but she is not into it. For afternoon fun that is fine with me anyways – without the passion I can hammer away a long time, and that little cute ass was perfect for the job. Ok for 1000rd.

Wingman1 was at Passions (as usual), so me and wingman3 went to the Scotch and Sirloin for dinner. I had the chicken parmesan and it was really good. The prices were high, but it was the nicest restaurant I went too all week. We were the only customers in the place – literally. After dinner we went back to the NG to wait for wingman1 to bring his takeout from passions. It was raining out so we skipped the tour and headed straight to Meringue. It was my last night so we hit the sauce hard. Wingman1 left early with his takeout and then Rosa, Brenda, and two others in tow showed up. We decided we were done with them for this trip, but they would not go away. Louie showed up, and that’s when I found out about their ‘extra curricular activities’. A guy from the NG that showed up the day before was there (wingman4) and he joined us because he was sweet on Brenda. I pulled him off to the bathroom and told him about the non GFE and the other issue, and advised him to avoid her. Louie left and Rosa turned to me and said something that contained the words marijuana and cocina, and was patting me down lightly. I ignored her and then one of her friends looked at me and touched her nose and ‘sniffed’. I was starting to get a little worried now. Then they said something about ‘policia’ and all four of them quickly took off out of the bar. I called Coral over and asked her if she new what was going on. She said they were probably asking if we wanted to get some and go party. She did tell me to check all my pockets just in case – I did and I was clean. Where is Louie when you need him – I would have had him tell them to go take a flying fuck. I now felt a lot calmer with them gone and that situation behind me.

I got up to take a piss and on the way out I got grabbed by a Haitian chica (Julie). As it turns out it was one of the girls I said menyada to yesterday (when I was with Chiki) and she called me on it! She was hot, so I invited her over to the bar with us. Very quickly I found out that this chica was really into me (or was good actor) but I thought I knew the difference after a week of seeing it. She hooked up wingmen 3&4 with friends and we headed up to classicos. At this point we had a 4000rd bar tab so the party was on. Trust me we did not get scammed – we drank a lot of vodka redbull and bought mucho drinks for chicas (got a receipt after every order).

Up in classicos this chick almost ground my unit off with her ass. She ground and ground and ground. We hit the dance floor and did some salsa and she really started attacking me in the bar. Makeout, grab my junk, put my hands on her junk, ect, ect. I have never met a chica anywhere that could move her hips like that. I showed my wingmen this little dance at the bar where you have her grind your unit, push her out, grab her ass, turn her around, slide your hands up her back, and pull her in for a kiss. It got the other two chicas going as well. After classicos closed wingman3 took his chica back to his place and me and wingman4 headed up to the casino bar. Me and my chica got on a moto and when we got there I gave him 50rd. He starts raising a stink and says two people are 100rd. I said bullshit – it is like a 30 second ride – the chicas just don’t want to walk up the hill. He started yelling and I was drunk so I said f-it and just gave him 100rd. Is this the norm or did I get scammed? I had never been there, and when we got in we were the only ones. We grabbed a drink and went over and checked the casino out, and I changed a US $100 I brought as backup, as I was getting low on pesos. When we got back to the bar it was starting fill up, but we decided to drink up and walk back to the NG.

Back at the NG the four of us headed up to my room for a nightcap. We get out on the patio and this chica is all over me again. Wingman4 and his chica are sitting beside one another in chairs and I am standing up (5 feet away). She starts sticking her tongue down my throat and rubbing my cock. Then she peels off her top and comes back for more. Then she peels of her pants and comes back for more. Then she peels off my pants and starts deep throating me on the patio of my room at the NG in front of wingman4 and his chica, and to anyone on the street or in the courtyard of the NG. I just leaned back and enjoyed every min of it – my first live sex show.

After about 10 min wingman4 and his chica left for their room and we hit the showers and then the sheets. I noticed that she had some stubble down below and a little under her arms, which I have heard is normal for Haitians. The best part is she has big, firm, full, round boobs – the best I saw in the DR, and just as good as any set you would find in Canada or the US – wow! It was the most raw sexual experience I have ever had. We went at it for over an hour and collapsed in a sweaty heap. Later she woke me up 2 hours later for some more, begging me to go back down on her again, and taking care of me as well. What a great finish to a great trip.

04-17-2010, 01:34 AM
Day # 8 – The pain of leaving the DR

Julie got me up early (she was horny) and absolutely fucked and sucked my brains out for an hour and a half. I have no idea were she gets that kind of energy to move her hips like that for that long. It was truly a PSE. What a morning!! I paid her 2000rd and gave her a 500rd propina. I love the Dominican chicas but in the future I am going to split my time with Haitians.

For the first time the entire trip I had my free breakfast (or any meal) at the NG (Wilfred must have been happy). I think the eggs were cooked on the bbq but other than that it was fine (good pancake). I got packed and paid my bill. Wilfred was nice enough to check my flight to make sure it was on time – great guy! Me and wingman4 plus another NG guy headed out to drop off some laundry for them, and stop at the Super Super liquor and cigar store. I got a box of 10 cigars, a single, 2 cutters, and 3 bottles of rum for like 1200rd. This place is great – and it’s on the cheap.

We then headed over to the Sosua Bay Hotel and some really fancy Italian hotel to check the views of the beach and the bay. Awesome! They would both be great places for lunch. The layout at Sousa Bay is great – now that they have a chica friendly section I might check it out – but I still loved the NG.

Went back to the NG and sent a few goodbye gringo texts to the chicas, and said my fairly wells to everyone there. Drove back to the airport and on to my 8 hour flight home to the snow. The best vacation of my life!

Just to justify this report, wingmen 1-4 are all ISOC members. I left their names out in case they choose to not be identified. It seems wingman2 has already chimed in. This was my first trip and first report so feel free to comment or offer suggestions for next time. I hope to meet many more of you in the future. I will be adding a newbie advice report (from a newbie) tomorrow with everything I learned from this board and in country.

Hasta la Vista mi Amigos !!

04-17-2010, 03:23 AM
great first trip report dude!

glad to see you figured out a good compromise :ilike:

if only everyone here would do reports this great !!

04-17-2010, 05:18 AM
GReat report. I was in chicaland on thanks giving week last year. but did not put up a trip report. that was my #7.... I regret not doing it....only because i always go back to my report and read all the crazy stuff i used to write....will be in sosua first week of june;.....i will try my best to do a live report... thanks again for your trip report.....it brings good memories :)

04-17-2010, 05:21 AM
great first trip report dude!

glad to see you figured out a good compromise :ilike:

if only everyone here would do reports this great !!

Hey naptime....that angel girl in 2008 was more flaca and looked better...sosua can fuck them girls up big time....imagine drinking and fucking every night 24/7.....your body takes a beating......LOL

04-17-2010, 10:24 AM
Gotta read this later.

04-17-2010, 03:26 PM
Day # 8 – The pain of leaving the DR

Julie got me up early (she was horny) and absolutely fucked and sucked my brains out for an hour and a half. I have no idea were she gets that kind of energy to move her hips like that for that long. It was truly a PSE. What a morning!! I paid her 2000rd and gave her a 500rd propina. I love the Dominican chicas but in the future I am going to split my time with Haitians.

For the first time the entire trip I had my free breakfast (or any meal) at the NG (Wilfred must have been happy). I think the eggs were cooked on the bbq but other than that it was fine (good pancake). I got packed and paid my bill. Wilfred was nice enough to check my flight to make sure it was on time – great guy! Me and wingman4 plus another NG guy headed out to drop off some laundry for them, and stop at the Super Super liquor and cigar store. I got a box of 10 cigars, a single, 2 cutters, and 3 bottles of rum for like 1200rd. This place is great – and it’s on the cheap.

We then headed over to the Sosua Bay Hotel and some really fancy Italian hotel to check the views of the beach and the bay. Awesome! They would both be great places for lunch. The layout at Sousa Bay is great – now that they have a chica friendly section I might check it out – but I still loved the NG.

Went back to the NG and sent a few goodbye gringo texts to the chicas, and said my fairly wells to everyone there. Drove back to the airport and on to my 8 hour flight home to the snow. The best vacation of my life!

Just to justify this report, wingmen 1-4 are all ISOC members. I left their names out in case they choose to not be identified. It seems wingman2 has already chimed in. This was my first trip and first report so feel free to comment or offer suggestions for next time. I hope to meet many more of you in the future. I will be adding a newbie advice report (from a newbie) tomorrow with everything I learned from this board and in country.

Hasta la Vista mi Amigos !!

Very nice report and make me want to make my trip soon.

04-18-2010, 11:55 AM
Hey Nakom....thanks for everything...a great group down there....I had to back up a bit for the last few days of my trip so I was laying lower than low while still enjoying the life....I will elaborate with a report later.

04-19-2010, 01:44 AM
I assume you mean "manana?"

bad thing to do. Just like buying a puta you do not want a beer. They NEVER forget. You will hear "you say manana??!!"

I just wave them off. If you be nice, they will haunt you forever.

I met Louie on my first trip. Seemed cool. I bought him a few beers. all was cool. Until the inevitiable "hey, let me ask you? Do you have 500 pesos so my son can eat?"
after that I just said hello and kept walking

04-21-2010, 09:07 PM
Day # 2 – Off to Sosua – New Garden

We woke up fairly early and had breakfast at BB. There was only one chica there at 11:00 and about 3 when we left around noon. Again the food was good. We hit Sosua and my wingman took me on a little driving tour of the main spots. We then went to the NG and I met Wilfred. Wilfred is a great guy and helped me get settled. I booked a jacuzzi suite on the top floor of the new wing. A tip for all that like to stay at the NG. Room 41 in the new wing is massive! There is one king size bed and the room is 2-3 times as big as any of the others I saw. If you don’t mind all the walking up and down the stairs go for it (except when I am coming down). The new wing at NG is nicer than BB and the hotel is great. I had power and hot water for my entire stay – and I had my room at 17 deg the entire trip (the chicas hated it) – the AC works great! The best thing is that it has an electronic safe (no keys) so it makes things a lot easier.

We then headed out for a supply run. We hit the bank, the big grocery store by the highway and the pharmacy. There is a big bank about 2 blocks from the NG (Banco Popular). It is big, clean, has AC, the teller knew a little English, and the best thing is there are 2 guys with shot guns at the door. I felt really safe in there and changed $1000 USD at 35.95rd. I figured it would be better to change a bunch at once and get it into my safe, rather than a little each day. Then I only took out what I needed for the day / night from the safe. The pharmacy 2 doors down from the NG did not have much and was way over priced. We went to the big one 2 blocks over towards the main highway near the entrance to the beach. I bought a Lapella (more on that in my final report) for 50rd. The grocery store is great (close to one you would find back home). I bought a case of water, beer, Gatorade, vodka, red bull, and some snacks. It helps to have wheels to carry all the stuff, but I recommend everyone to hit the grocery store and stock up their room.

My wingman thought it would be best if we headed down to Passions to get me into the swing of things. We drove down, and they have purchased the lot next door, so they have fenced in parking on site. Also, they are in the middle of an expansion to double the size of the bar. Walking in there for the first time had my head spinning. I could not believe the number and quality of the chicas standing behind the bar that were all available for dine in or take out – amazing the first time you see it. After a Presidente I could not wait any longer. Yissel is new at Passions and is only 18. OMFG! Maybe the hottest girl I saw in the DR all week. I ordered combo # 2 – 1 hour massage with bj finish for 1300rd. This girl is great – sexy, fun, passionate, and you can bounce quarters off her stomach and crack walnuts on her ass. I get back to the bar and wingman looks at his watch and says “what the hell are you doing back hear, it’s only been 35 min”. The massage was good, and the flip side was over in the blink of an eye. YMMV but this is a ‘do not miss’ chica in my opinion. Everyone I met on my trip sessioned with her - but you have to get there early because people were taking her out at 1:00 in the afternoon.

We cleaned up and headed to Bailey’s just around the corner from the NG. The food was awesome. It is expensive for DR standards (cheap compared to home), but it has a big menu and includes salad bar. I (we) ended up eating a lot at Bailey’s over the week. Then we headed out to ‘the strip’. For your first time down there you can not believe what you see. The number of hot chicas around is incredible, and they all want to talk to you. We settled into Meringue bar and watched the night unfold. For me, Meringue bar is the best place down there, the music is at a reasonable level (they play local stuff), and all the chicas stroll through and come up to talk to you. It is a never ending parade of chicas. This is where I ended up meeting Dominican Louie (through my wingman). Many of you might already know him, but for a newbie he is a lot of help. I will get into more of Louie in later day reports. I met Rosa in Meringue bar and we all headed up to Classicos until close and then over to Club X.
Rosa is the kind of girl I pictured meeting in the DR. She is young, hot, lighter skinned, has a super hot body, and treated me like a king in bed. Again, anything you want in bed, and a finish all over her naked body. This was my first time ever with a Lapella (or any other type) and wow! I have heard Rosa partakes in ‘extra curricular activities’ (after I had been with her), but I talked to her almost every day, set her up a couple of times with other mongers, and had zero problems. Day two was everything I had dreamed of in the DR.

I have stayed at the new wing at the new garden hotel. If anyone has stayed in both the old wing and new wing recently can u tell me what is the difference between the two wings?

04-22-2010, 01:23 AM
I have stayed at the new wing at the new garden hotel. If anyone has stayed in both the old wing and new wing recently can u tell me what is the difference between the two wings?

I was in some the rooms in the old wing. The major diffrences is that the new wing has electronic safes and tiny corner showers. The old wing has key safes and large tiled showers. Also, you can get a jacuzzi in the new wing rooms. That (and the obvious), the new wing rooms are newer and nicer.

Passport Playa
04-22-2010, 10:02 AM
Hey naptime....that angel girl in 2008 was more flaca and looked better...sosua can fuck them girls up big time....imagine drinking and fucking every night 24/7.....your body takes a beating......LOL

That is why I won't be fucking with her again. The mileage has taken its toll on her!

The Mac Man

07-05-2010, 04:26 PM
I was in some the rooms in the old wing. The major diffrences is that the new wing has electronic safes and tiny corner showers. The old wing has key safes and large tiled showers. Also, you can get a jacuzzi in the new wing rooms. That (and the obvious), the new wing rooms are newer and nicer.

Nakom or anyone else that has stayed at the New Garden, would you know if either the electronic or key safes are large enough to fit a netbook or an iPad? Also, how much per night are the rooms that have jacuzzis? My first trip to Sosua is in a few weeks. I'm pretty excited. The advice I've read on the board here is great. I hope to have a good report for everyone when I come back.

07-05-2010, 05:14 PM
My understanding is that the NG has upgraded all the rooms to electronic safes. The safe's will hold a small laptop - so a notebook or ipad will fit easy. Jacuzzi suite is $72 a night incl tax and free breakfast (ISOC rate). Make sure Wilfried knows you are an ISOC member as you get a discount.

07-05-2010, 05:52 PM
My understanding is that the NG has upgraded all the rooms to electronic safes. The safe's will hold a small laptop - so a notebook or ipad will fit easy. Jacuzzi suite is $72 a night incl tax and free breakfast (ISOC rate). Make sure Wilfried knows you are an ISOC member as you get a discount.

Wow, that is excellent! Thanks for responding. I really can't wait to get out there.

07-05-2010, 05:59 PM
Have fun and be safe. Post your dates in a new thread and meet a couple of wingmen before you head down.