View Full Version : [DR1] Deadline for asset statements

07-21-2006, 03:12 PM
President Leonel Fernandez has ordered all public officials under the jurisdiction of the Executive Branch to update and present their sworn statements of the assets that compose their current net worth within the next 30 days, according to a report by Diario Libre. Those who do not turn in their statements on time will be admonished. According to Decree No. 287-06 officials who have to present their updated statements are the President and Vice President of the Republic, ministers and deputy ministers, the governor and vice governor of the Central Bank, general administrators and deputy general administrators, general directors and deputy general directors. Also the presidents and administrators of state-owned companies, provincial governors, the comptroller and general auditor, the national treasurer, tax and custom department collectors, the chiefs of staff of the armed forces and the police. Failing to comply could result in admonishment or suspension without pay until the requirement is fulfilled. The presentation of financial statements nevertheless seems to be pointless, as no government official has ever been sentenced for irregular growth of assets, despite the fact that rags-to-riches tales in politics are practically the rule and not the exception.

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