View Full Version : [DR1] Code expedites work in courts

07-21-2006, 03:12 PM
The courts' capacity to produce criminal rulings increased from 10% or 15% with the old system, to 68% with the new Criminal Procedures Code according to the National Commission of Implementation of the Procedural Reform (CONAEJ), as reported by CLAVE weekly newspaper. In spite of different sectors of society questioning aspects of this new code, which they blame for the increase in crime and violence over the past months, its record in the courts is evidence of an improvement in the justice system, due to quicker hearing of the cases under the text and a significant reduction (23%) in the number of preventive detainees. The CONAEJ is composed by the Executive Branch Legal Consultant, the Attorney General, the Supreme Court of Justice and other institutions involved in the Dominican justice system. The new code came into effect in September 2004.

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