View Full Version : [DR1] Reform procedure defined in 10 days

07-21-2006, 03:12 PM
The methods to be used for the popular consultations that will feed into the planned constitutional reform are being defined by three people - Carlos Dore Cabral, Marcos Villaman and Msgr. Agripino Nunez Collado - who report to President Leonel Fernandez. The consultations are meant to call on "all sectors of the nation" to design the Constitution they prefer, as reported by CLAVE. According to Villaman, a sociologist and theologian who directs the National Council for the Reform of the State (CONARE), the proposed methodology will be ready by the end of the month. The three individuals will indicate who should be consulted, and when and where. They will also establish the ideal timeframe for completing the new modification proposal, based upon the plan developed in 2001 by a commission appointed by the Executive Branch.

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