View Full Version : Water crisis easing

04-21-2010, 05:10 PM
The water shortage affecting the country is becoming less acute every day. "As far as irrigation is concerned, everything is back to normal", said Frank Martinez, director of the National Institute for Hydraulic Resources (INDRHI). "The systems of Santo Domingo are all operating", said Manuel Rivas, director of the Santo Domingo Sewer and Water Corporation (CAASD). And "we have increased our energy production a lot in comparison with beginning of the month", said technicians from the Hydroelectric Generation Company (Egehid).
These positive statements are combined with the latest forecasts from the National Meteorological Office (Onamet): "We have a low-pressure area over the country with a fairly broad cloud cover, and it is expected to cause rainfall in the northeast, west, and Central Cibao; we hope that this will continue to ease the drought".

More... (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#10)