View Full Version : The NONE movement

04-23-2010, 02:20 PM
Maria del Mar Mella, representing the youth movements that have used social media to promote environmental and democratic causes is claiming that they are being pressured for their campaign promoting the "none" vote, "vota por ninguno" in the municipal and congressional election.
According to Mella, La Revuelta movement is a victim of anti-democratic pressure from the Central Electoral Board. The movement has been encouraging young voters to write "None" on the voting slip as an expression of rejection of the candidates who are running for congressional and municipal posts.
La Revuelta says: "We confirm that we are calling on citizens to vote on 16 May to make it very clear to the political parties how wrong they have been! We only want to be able to express ourselves and learn to be more critical, to ensure we are no longer cheated."
La Revuelta says that they are aware that a 55% abstention rate is expected, which demonstrates the sense of discontent, of having been cheated and of despair. But that is not our fault. The fault is their's. Between the straight ticket ballot and a "representative" democracy that represents nobody, they can go cry someone else. But the "NONE" movement can't be blamed for this situation. On this occasion they will be elected by less than half of the voters, and what will be the message? That is why they are afraid!"
www.votoporninguno.blogspot.com (http://www.votoporninguno.blogspot.com)
Twitter: @LaRevueltaRD and @votoporninguno
Facebook: La Revuelta RD and Voto por Ninguno

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