View Full Version : Repatriated killers have long rap sheets

04-23-2010, 02:20 PM
Repatriated murderers Joel Bautista Vasquez (Pilito) and Sergio Humberto Mota Reynoso (Vantroi) are directly implicated in at least 36 murders and 16 other shooting incidents. Somehow, the men were able to leave the country, make their way to Panama and from there on to Mexico, where they were picked up on suspicion and later identified as wanted criminals.
According to National Police chief Rafael Guillermo Guzman Fermin, the career criminals were caught thanks to international cooperation and partially as a result of a visit the chief recently made to the Mexican Police Intelligence Center. Vantroi and Pilito were caught at the Mexico-US frontier and then deported to the Dominican Republic.
According to El Nuevo Diario, the gang that was led by Pilito had murdered 19 people and shot another nine, and Vantroi is said to be directly involved in 17 murders and six other shootings. He was arraigned for murders and other crimes on 16 occasions.

More... (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#12)