View Full Version : Vasquez Rodriguez says he is legit

04-26-2010, 03:40 PM
Jangle Vasquez Rodriguez of Templastisa says he is in Santo Domingo. Last week it was reported that he was abroad. The State Electricity Corporation (CDEEE) claims that his company is involved in a multi-million-peso electricity theft case. Vasquez says he pays millions of pesos in electricity bills every month as a non-regulated client. He confirmed that he supplies power to the Municipality of Santo Domingo East, saying that he owns the building used by the city council. The Prosecutors for Electricity Affairs is accusing Templastisa of stealing 125,000 kilowatts of electricity a month, as reported in 7dias.com.do. Vasquez Rodriguez says that he operates the electricity substation, which is supervised by EDE-Este inspectors.
Another company owned by Vasquez Rodriguez, Credigas, was closed by Proconsumidor in January for allegedly cheating consumers by charging for more gas than they were supplied.
www.ciudadoriental.org/index.php?option=com_content... (http://www.ciudadoriental.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3794:credigas-en-medio-de-un-escandalo-por-robar-glp-a-sus-clientes&catid=80:science&Itemid=180)

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