View Full Version : Vantroi back to jail

04-26-2010, 03:40 PM
San Cristobal judge Francisco Angomas has clarified that Sergio Humberto Reynoso Smota (Vantroi) did not leave jail for the reason given by the Department of Prisons on Friday. Judge Angomas said that he left because a judge in Santo Domingo had changed the prison order. He did not name the judge but he said that he had changed the preventive jail order and authorized the release, and that Vantroi took advantage of this change to leave the country.
Judge Angomas said that according to his records, Vantroi had not yet been sentenced. Vantroi, as he was known when leading a gang in the Guachupita slum, escaped on 15 August 2004 while awaiting a presidential pardon order together with a group of other prisoners at the Nuestra Senora de la Paz Church in the Centro de los Heroes. At the last minute, President Hipolito Mejia did not sign the release for the prisoners on the list recommended by Prosecutor General Victor Cespedes. Several of the prisoners then chose to "escape." Vantroi turned himself in to the Police on 5 January 2005, but was able to obtain his release with order 747909 on 18 December 2008. According to Listin Diario, Police Chief Rafael Guillermo Guzman Fermin says that Vantroi went on to commit several crimes after being released.
Vantroi was arrested last week after being deported from Mexico. He was arrested by the US authorities while attempting to cross the border from Mexico. He was deported with Joel Bautista Vasquez, who also was sent to Najayo Jail for three months while the case is prepared. Reynoso and Bautista are linked to 36 murders.

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