View Full Version : Spain investigates 935-kilo shipment

04-27-2010, 04:20 PM
El Dia newspaper reports that the Spanish authorities are investigating last November's 935-kilo cocaine consignment that was confiscated in Santo Domingo before it could be shipped to Spain. National District prosecutor Alejandro Moscoso Segarra said that the shipment, which was detected at the Port of Caucedo, is said to belong to Arturo del Tiempo Marques, now under arrest in Spain on suspicion of transporting 1,213 kilos of cocaine. El Dia recalls that no one has been arrested in the case of the 935 kilos of cocaine, despite the fact that at the time, National Drug Control Department (DNCD) chief General Rolando Rosado Mateo said that the authorities knew who the shipment belonged to. News reports have revealed the shipment was consigned to a company belonging to Del Tiempo Marques in Spain.
Moscoso Segarra recently returned from meetings in Spain, where the case is being prepared. Following the confiscation of the cocaine, the Dominican authorities were given leads that led to the confiscation of the Atiemar luxury tower, several vehicles and a lot on Anacaona Avenue where the construction of a second Margot high-rise development was planned.
El Dia reports that Del Tiempo's travels to Madrid coincided with the dates of the November and March shipments.

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