View Full Version : US$120 million for Coca-Cola in DR

04-28-2010, 05:00 PM
According to Fernando Pavia Castillo, the executive vice-president of Bepensa, the consortium that makes Coca-Cola in Mexico and which has a major stake in Refrescos Nacionales, in 2010, the company will invest an additional US$20 million in an effort to extend their product line.
Refrescos Nacionales has already received US$100 million to increase production and add new products. As well as Coke, the company produces the Country Club soft drink line, now in its 60th year, and Dasani bottled water. They also produce Gladiator energy drinks, Power Aid and Minute Maid. According to Pavia Castillo, the additional money will be used to install a bottle factory for the production of both glass and plastic bottles. He stressed that the decision to make this investment was made after the company's research found that the Dominican Republic was the best place for their expansion because of its location and stable economy and government.

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